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Lab Manual

For current and potential members of the Behavioral Oncology Research Lab

Last Updated: 10/5/09

Current & Former Student Publications

* = student

Wellisch D.K., Ormseth, S.R. *, Hartoonian, N. *, Owen, J.E. (in press). A retrospective study predicting psychological vulnerability in adult daughters of breast cancer patients. Families, Systems, and Health.

Owen, JE, Hanson, E, *, Preddy, DA, Bantum E * (2011). Linguistically-tailored video feedback increases total and positive emotional expression in a structured writing task. Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 874-82.

Kaiser, NC *, Hartoonian, N *, Owen, JE. (2010). Toward a cancer-specific model of psychological distress: Population data from the 2003-2005 National Health Interview Surveys. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 4, 291-302.

Sanders, SL *, Bantum E *, Owen, JE, Thornton, AA, Stanton, AL. (2010). Supportive care needs in patients with lung cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 19, 480-9.

Owen, J.E., Boxley, L. *, Goldstein, M.S., Lee, J.H., Breen, N., Rowland, J.H. (2010). Use of health-related online support groups: Population data from the California Health Interview Survey Complementary and Alternative Medicine Study. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 15, 427-446.

Kaiser, N. *, Owen., J.E., Winzelberg, A.J. (2009). The use of technology to advance adolescent health promotion. In Adolescent Health: Understanding and Preventing Risk Behaviors. R.J. DiClemente, J.S. Santelli, R.A. Crosby (eds.), pps. 447-472. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Bantum, E. *, Owen, J.E. (2009). Evaluating the Validity of Computerized Content Analysis Programs for Identification of Emotional Expression in Cancer Narratives. Psychological Assessment.

Owen, J.E., Bantum, E. O. *, & Golant, M. (2009). Benefits and challenges experienced by professional facilitators of online support groups for cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology.

Bantum, E. *, Owen, J.E. (2008). Use of linguistics to promote coping with cancer. In Coping with Cancer. Jacobs, L.K. (ed.). Nova Publishers.

Bantum, E. *, Donovan, K.A., & Owen, J.E. (2007). A systematic review of outcomes associated with psychosocial interventions for women with breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management, 14, 1-12.

Owen, J.E., Boxley, L. *, Klapow, J.C. (2006). Measurement of quality of life outcomes. In Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology, Eds: A. Berger, J. L. Shuster, Jr., J. H. Von Roenn. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Student Presentations at Professional Meetings

Owen, J.E., Criswell, K.*, Bazzo, J.*, Bantum, E.O., Stanton, A.L. (June 2012). Convenience and Registry Samples in An Internet-Based Intervention for Cancer Survivors Show Differences in Psychosocial Characteristics and Engagement. Paper presented to the Biennial Cancer Survivorship Conference in Washington, D.C.

Criswell, K.*, Owen, J.E., Thornton, A.A., Stanton, A.L. (April 2012). Personal blame and regretfulness in lung cancer differ by smoking status. Paper presented to the Society of Behavioral Medicine in New Orleans, LA.

Criswell, K.*, Owen, J.E., Thornton, A.A., Stanton, A.L. (April 2012). Unmet supportive care needs in lung cancer across smoking groups. Poster presented to the Society of Behavioral Medicine in New Orleans, LA.

Criswell, K.*, Owen, J.E., Thornton, A.A., Stanton, A.L. (Feb 2011). An exploratory factor analysis of the Lung Cancer Self-Blame and Guilt Scale. Poster presented to the American Psychosocial Oncology Society in Anaheim, CA.

Gorlick, A.*, Lewallen, A.*, Regts, G.*, Owen, J.E. (Feb 2011). A systematic review of behavioral engagement in Internet-based interventions for lung cancer. Poster presented to the American Psychosocial Oncology Society in Anaheim, CA.

Testerman, L.*, Sanders, SL*, Bantum, EO* Thornton, A, Stanton, AL, Owen, JE. (April 2010). Characterizing interest in online and face-to-face support groups among individuals with lung cancer. Poster presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in Seattle, Washington.

Abeyesinhe, S.*, Thornton, A., Stanton, AL, Owen, JE. (April 2010). Mood, perceived blame, and coping are influenced by attributions of cancer causation in lung cancer survivors. Poster presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in Seattle, Washington.

Sanders, SL*, Bantum, EO*, Owen, JE. (April 2010). Evaluation of the Emotion-Generative Model of emotional expression: The Difference between self-reports and behavioral markers. Poster presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in Seattle, Washington.

Owen, JE, Richards, KL*, Abeyesinhe, S*, Testerman, L*, Ormseth, S*, Hartoonian, N.*. (April 2010). Population-based recruitment for an online social-networking intervention to treat cancer-related distress. Poster presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in Seattle, Washington.

Hartoonian, N.* Ormseth, S.*, Richards, K.*, Owen, JE. (April 2010). Cancer information-seeking among cancer survivors: Findings from HINTS 2007. Poster presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in Seattle, Washington.

Ormseth, S.*, Hartoonian, N.*, Owen, JE. (Aug 2009). Health care utilization and depression among breast cancer survivors: Findings from NHIS 2003-2005. Poster presented at the 117th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, Ontario. Division 38 award citation abstract .

Owen, J.E., Kaiser, N.*, Hartoonian, N.* (April 2009). Prevalence and predictors of psychological distress in cancer survivors in the United Sates.? Poster presented to the 30th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in Montreal, Quebec.

Hanson, E.*, Bantum, E.O.*, Preddy, D.A., Owen, J.E. (April 2009). Effects of tailored video feedback on emotional expression. Poster presented to the 30th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in Montreal, Quebec.

Owen, J.E., Bantum, E.O.*, Sanders, S.L.*, Thornton, A., & Stanton, A.L. (April 2008). Supportive care needs in patients with lung cancer. Paper presented to the 29th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in San Diego, CA.

Griffin, C.*, Preddy, D.*, Bantum, E.O.*, Owen, J.E. (April 2008). Effect of tailored feedback on emotional expression in an Internet-based expressive writing task. Poster presented to the 88th annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association in Irvine, CA.

Testerman, L.*, Owen, J.E., Thornton, A., Stanton, A.L. (April 2008). Creation and validation of a lung cancer blame and guilt scale. Poster presented to the 88th annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association in Irvine, CA.

Hartoonian, N.*, Ormseth, S.*, Bantum, E.O.*, & Owen, J.E. (April 2008). Process and outcome evaluation of a social-networking website for health promotion. Poster presented to the 29th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine in San Diego, CA.

Sanders, S.*, Bantum, E.*, & Owen, J. E. (Feb 2008) Characterizing sexual activity and satisfaction in lung cancer. Poster presented at the 5th annual meeting of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society in Irvine, CA.

Bantum, E.*, & Owen, J.E. (March 2007). Assessing the reliability and validity of a manual coding system for identifying emotional expression in text II. Poster presented at the 4th annual meeting of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society in Austin, TX.

Sanders, S.*, Bantum, E.*, Owen, J.E., Thornton, A., & Stanton, A. (March 2007) Attributions of cancer causation, self-blame, and traumatic stress among individuals with lung cancer. Poster presented at the 4th annual meeting of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society in Austin, TX.

Kaiser, N.C.* & Owen, J.E. (March 2007). Distress and Health Care Utilization Among Cancer Survivors: Findings from the National Health Interview Survey, 2004. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Oncology Society Annual Conference, Austin, TX.

Kaiser, N.C.* & Owen, J.E. (April 2006). Distress Among Cancer Types: Findings from the National Health Interview Survey, 2004. Poster presentation at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Bantum, E.*, & Owen, J.E. (Feb 2006). Assessing the reliability and validity of a manual coding system for identifying emotional expression in text. Poster presented to the 3rd annual meeting of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Amelia Island, FL.

Cisneros, E.P.*, Calvano, C.*, Owen, J.E., & Golant, M. (Feb 2006). Facilitation of online support groups: How does it differ from face-to-face groups? Paper presented to the 3rd annual meeting of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Amelia Island, FL.

Owen, J.E., Boxley, L.*, Goldstein, M.S., Breen, N., & Rowland, J. H. (Feb 2005). A Population based analysis of support group utilization in cancer survivors: A Report from the California Health Interview Survey. Paper presented to the 3rd annual meeting of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Amelia Island, FL.